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Digital Estate Rationalisation

Defining your cloud roadmap

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Defining your cloud roadmap

Rationalise your organisation’s technology platform and modernise the delivery model, promote standardised, agile and efficient ways of working.

How can you determine a roadmap for modernisation which enables the pragmatic and achievable delivery of digital outcomes and efficiencies?

What type of approach is needed to understand the current state landscape, the business stakeholders required, and the desired state vision in order to drive business value?

Business Problem vs. Technology Solution?

We will answer the questions need to deliver a successful cloud adoption journey:

Is that the real problem?      

What do the users need?    

What technology is right?    

How do we make it useful?    

How can we surprise & delight?       

Our Approach

The journey to realise a strategic roadmap for your organisation involves 5 key phases:


Align & envision Assess Ideate & design Architect & roadmap Finalise & present
Engage stakeholders & goals Current application & infrastructure landscape Current state assessment Future-state architecture Strategic objectives
Business strategic alignment Current IT imperatives Platform technology envisioning Rehost, Replatform, Rebuild, Replace Summary of findings
Trends shaping digital landscape Opportunities & risks Future workforce plan Rollout plan Recommendations
Value streams Findings, issues & challenges Total cost of ownership Implementation cost estimates Stakeholder review & verification

Ready to start?

Contact us to start your journey


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