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Guard your cloud against unexpected costs

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Guard your cloud against unexpected costs

FinOps is a portmanteau of “Finance” and “DevOps”, stressing the communications and collaboration between business and engineering teams..

At its core, FinOps is a cultural practice. It’s the way for teams to manage their cloud costs, where everyone takes ownership of their cloud usage supported by a central best-practices group. Cross-functional teams in Engineering, Finance, Product, etc work together to enable faster product delivery, while at the same time gaining more financial control and predictability.

FinOps Principles act as a north star that guide the activities of our FinOps practice. They’re developed by FinOps Foundation members, and honed through experience. These were initially proposed as part of the writing the Cloud FinOps book in Sept 2019 as a joint AWS announcement. Now, they cover multiple clouds, and knowing how cloud services change every quarter it seems,


Cloud FinOps Assessment

Cloud FinOps-as-a-service combats this missed opportunity through a continuous engagement, providing an initial assessment with actionable recommendations to reduce AWS spend, and follow up consultation with client teams to reduce costs on an ongoing and proactive basis.

Unlock cost reductions to repurpose for future investments

We provide detailed insights into cloud utilisation, assets, reserved instances, savings plans, ongoing subscriptions and identify innovation opportunities to further reduce Azure and AWS spend, freeing up your resources to enhance your competitive advantages.

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